23rd July - First School Launches in Compass
St Mary's Primary School Corowa has become the first school in the Wagga Diocese to move to Compass for attendance recording. They are the first of the four pilot schools to go live, with Xavier High, Kildare and Sacred Heart Primary Kooringal all to follow over the first four weeks of Term 3.
4th May - CEnet Term 1 Once Project Newsletter Published
Check out the Term 1, 2018 CENet Once Project Newsletter, published by CEnet.
3rd April - Wagga Once Project Update
Check out the Term 1, 2018 Project Update from the Wagga Once Team.
29th March - Pilot Schools Selected
Four schools have been selected as pilot schools for the Wagga Once project. Two primary and two secondary schools will begin work in Term 2 with the aim of going live with some core features in Term 3, 2018.
31st January - SIS Specialist Joins Project Team
Justin Graham has joined the Wagga Once Project Team, focusing on the School Information System of Once, CeSIS. Justin comes to the project with experience in a wide variety of roles in schools, including teaching, technical and executive experience.
Justin will begin work on preparing for a pilot of Compass, the Student Information System, and working with our schools on the transformation to the new enterprise system.
2nd January - Systems Accountant Joins Project Team
Olivia Lloyd has joined the Wagga Once Project Team, focusing on the Finance function of Once and in particular the CeFMS. Olivia joins the team with accounting and administrative management experience at a number of previous workplaces.
Olivia will begin the process of configuring the CeFMS and migrating CSO into the new financial system, before beginning the work of migrating schools into the new system.
4th November 2017 - First Compass Feature Video loaded - News Feed
To try and highlight some of the features of the Compass system, the project team will be making short videos highlighting the features. The first video has been uploaded and focuses on the News Feed feature of the system, used for communicating with Students, Parents and Staff. Videos can be found on the CeSIS Videos page.
19th October 2017 - Once Compass Specialist Role Advertised
The second of the specialist project roles, focusing on the Student Information System and school processes, has been advertised. This is a role for an Educator. See Details on seek.com.au or the full application pack is available from here.
17th October 2017 - First Project Steering Committee Meeting
One of the first steps in formally kicking off the Wagga Project is the establishment of a Project Steering Committee. Through invitation from the director, the Wagga Steering Committee has been formed and met on 17th October to be inducted into the project and gain a deeper understanding of the systems involved and the transformation of processes and practices that are possible.
The Wagga Steering Committee provides governance to the project and assists the project team in completing the project.
5th October 2017 - Once Finance Specialist Role Advertised
The first of the specialist project roles, focusing on Finance, has been advertised. See Details on seek.com.au or the full application pack is available from here.
5th June 2017 - Wagga Project Manager Appointed
A project manager has been appointed to the Wagga Once project. Tim Cooper has commenced in the role and will begin on 19th June, 2017. A project team will be created once Tim has reviewed the scope of the project, visited other diocese piloting the CeSIS and created a project governance structure.